Deliver features faster,
safer and at a lower cost with an
End to End Kubernetes service
Learn more about how Kubernetes could work for you:
Beginners' Guide
Get to grips with the key benefits of Kubernetes, what it actually is, and how it works - without all the jargon.
Read the GuideCase Studies
Learn about the added business value 4 industry-leading companies saw after adopting Kubernetes.
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Whatever your current setup, we can help you take the next step towards digital transformation.
See All ServicesNot sure where to start? Get in touch, our team can help with everything from transition to microservices to cluster management.
Reliable, highly available and scalable to your business, our cloud hosting platform offers instant SSD-backed servers from only £6/month.
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We offer 24-hour customer support by phone and email, plus a range of documentation for all Bytemark products and services.
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Database & software specialists using their expertise to solve people’s problems.
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Building smarter businesses online
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You’re in safe hands: We’ve been building successfully for 17 years and we directly operate our entire infrastructure.
Our UK Network
We run a 10Gbps national network to keep you online 24/7
Read moreYork, UK
YO26 is our own fully-owned, custom-built data centre in York
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